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Superbuddy is the mascot of inquiry based and child centric learning approach. This pedagogical approach reinforces that a child has innate potential and is born with curiosity and creativity.

The multi-dimensional objectives of education as looked at by Inquiry Based Learning views the learner as a thinker, researcher, and observer. Superbuddy envisages to cultivate and celebrate curiosity through age-appropriate and creative theme based inquiries. Superbuddy is a symbolic representation of any learner who is curious and wants to explore exciting happenings around them.

Ms. Emm is the learning partner of Superbuddy. She offers innovative ways of exploring subjects which look ordinary to the naked eye. She offers help to Superbuddy when he needs assistance in researching new ideas and deriving conclusions from its observations.

Ms. Emm is that learning companion who does not push a learner to readily available answers. She is patient and supportive. She does not manifest her authority on the learner on the contrary she helps Superbuddy construct knowledge little by little without any rush.

Friends - Adventures of Superbuddy and Ms. Emm (Book 9)


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